Saturday, February 28, 2009

Alwards Meat Market Hale MI

Alwards Meat Market Hale MI, originally uploaded by de4570.
We picked up two choice New York strips to grill out tonight.
If you ever get near Hale, MI check out Alward's. Their bacon is homecured on site and is simply the best bacon you will ever have. In these times of pre-packaged mass produced meat products, it is sure nice to visit a real butcher shop where the meat is fresh and locally grown and the butchers are artists at their craft.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for featuring us on your blog! It's always gratifying...even after 31 years of business to be complimented by a satisfied customer.

Please introduce yourself to me the next time you are up this way and we will see to it that you get a free Alward's Market 'Makin Bacon' t-shirt! Enjoy your summer!

Bob Alward, Owner
Alward's Market


Douglas Edwards's Facebook profile

What I do

The morning I was born my mother was screen printing 7 foot bus benches, so you could say I have been in the business all of my life. I began to help my father Arlie Edwards hand letter at the tender age of 5 by filling in his lettering. As time passed I began to graduate to higher forms of lettering. By the time I was in 9th grade my lettering was on par with the old pros.

Our business has evolved over the last 60 plus years from brushes and paint to the digital age of rips and vinyl. By the way we began printing on pressure sensitive vinyl in the 50's Some of the first police decals ever made were printed by my mother Rosemary. Only the brushes have changed, not the art. A computer is mearly an expensive pencil in which to express a design. In much the same way as a piano is with a song. Some can play it, some think they can.

I love my work, it is my life!

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